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N7595 Schweizer SGS 1-34 serial # 45, November Papa 12/24/08


Manufacturer: Schweizer Aircraft Corp.

Place: Elmira N. Y.

Date: September 25, 1970

License No. N7595

Type: SGS 1-34

Serial Number: 45

Description: 1 PCLM

T.C.D.S. No. G3EA

Paint: PPG concept DCC 17762 Blue; Imron 508 white

Weight Empty: 581, 604 lb. as equipped March 2001  (22 O2 with A-14)

Weight Loaded: 840 lb.

Wing Area: 151 sq. ft.

Control area: 42.61

Span: 49’ 2” or 15 meters

Length: 25’ 8”

Tires Main: 5.00-5, Specialty Aero Trainer, 6 ply

Tube: Leakguard has a tr67 metal stem with a 90 degree bend

Brakes: Cleveland #30-9 with red MS fluid

Owner:  Nicholas Thomas



1-34 in General

Ø      Alex’s Description

Ø       or http://www.sailplanedirectory.com/schweiz.htm#1-34

Ø      Virtual Aviation Museum

Ø      Schweizer advertisement brochure:

1.      Page 1 / Page 2 / Page 3 / Page4

Ø      K&L Soaring now owns type certificates and supports the gliders

Ø      Tom Rent’s Comparison of 33:1 gliders

Ø      Finalglide spreadsheet

Ø      Speed to Fly

1.      formula for speed to fly: http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/soaring/spd2fly/

Ø      N number search of all 1-34 (8050146) and 1-34R (8050147)

Ø      NTSB search for accident reports

Ø      1-34 Message Board

Ø      FAA links I find usefull

Ø      Performance summary from Harris Hill website


1-34 General Documents

When the weight of the paper equals the weight of the airplane, only then you can go flying.

— attributed to Donald Douglas

Type Certification for 1-34 (Do not follow instructions for placard, see manual pg 2):

SSP-PH-5 Flight Manual: reflecting SA-003

Annual Check List and lube chart

Manual for sale SSP-PH-5: Essco, Flight Manual for sale, Rare Manuals, K&L soaring


SSP-I-1 Publication Index for Schweizer Sailplanes from K & L Soaring, has many publications with Index


SA-001.4 or AD 87-17-01 One time 10-5-92

SA-003 Aerobatics in Schweizer Sailplanes

SA-005.1 or AD 87-02-01 Identification and Possible Replacement of Tow Hook Arm

SA-012 One time, seat pan Page 1 / Page 2 / Page 3 / Page4


SL-001 Disassemble once a year

SL-002-5 Dive brake handle (sn# 1-18 and 21 only)

SL-002-6 Trim Control (sn# 1-7 only)

SL-002-8 Oversize holes in drag spar


N7595 Documents


External data plate exemption

Airworthiness Certificate

Replacement Airworthiness Certificate

Bill of Sale Form 8050-2

Registration AC Form 8050-3

Weight and Balance: (last time it was weighed.)

Weight and Balance interactive

      Spreadsheet in xcell

Placard, pre launch, pre land, O2

 337s (O2 installation, write me for a copy if you think this will help you and this will get scanned)


Accessories: no electrical system, 22 cu O2 tank and A-14, vertical compass, altimeter, airspeed, mechanical vario (no audio)

Insurance: Costello, 6 month flying, 6 months in hanger, about $475 a year

Tax: $55 in Minden NV


1-34 Special Tools

Fuselage Holder

Trailer for 1-34 after refurbish

More on trailers


Garmin GPS Map 76s


Other 34s on the Web

Ø        AGCS club description: http://www.agcsc.org/sgs_1_34_info.html

Ø       Boeing Club now Washington: http://www.wastatesoaring.com/n7644.shtml

1.       Manual http://www.wastatesoaring.com/SGS134.pdf

Ø       LISA club: http://www.longislandsoaring.org/1-34-N7635.html

Ø       Greater Boston Club (Manual): http://www.soargbsc.com/fleet.php#Schweitzer134

Ø       Soar Boulder: (Manual and check list) http://soarboulder.org/ssb_fleet_sgs_1_34.htm

Ø       ACA: http://www.geocities.com/aeroclubalbatross/images/1-34.jpg

Ø       Utah club: http://www.utahsoaring.org/

Ø       Valley Soaring http://users.ntplx.net/~valsoar/rates.htm

Ø       London Soaring Club: http://groups.msn.com/LondonSoaringClub/schweizer1341.msnw

Ø       Harris Hill: http://www.harrishillsoaring.org/p2-01.htm

Ø       St Louis: http://www.stlsoar.org/aircraft.htm

Ø       Barry Aviation, Florida http://www.barryaviation.com/rates.html

Ø        Search for all 1-34: http://www.airport-data.com/search/search2.html?field=model&search=Search&code=Schweizer+SGS+1-34

Ø       Midwest: http://www.soarmidwest.com/1-34.shtml

Ø       Phoenix Club Soaring El Mirage Dry Lake California

Ø       Associated Glider Club (Southern California) I think this is mine now.

Ø       Sailplane Enterprises Hemet California

Ø       York Soaring Cananda: http://www.yorksoaring.com/rates/index.html

Ø       Lake Elsinore: http://www.soarelsinore.org/ might be wrecked

Ø       Rideau Valley Soaring: http://www.rideauvalleysoaring.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi/ClubAircraft#head-af9fb8a511ca89228e9f32699119ce21024d1da8

Ø       Silent Knights Club: http://www.knightglider.com/fleet.htm

Ø       Antelope Valley Club: http://www.antelopevalleysoaringclub.com/page_2.htm

Ø       Saratoga Soaring Association

Ø       Iroquois Soaring Association

Ø       Finger Lakes Soaring Association:

Ø       Utah Soaring Association: http://www.utahsoaring.org/

Ø       Photo: http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3709294

Ø       London Soaring Club: http://www.londonsoaringclub.ca/

Ø       List of US fleet showing 1-34s: http://www.csuttner.de/soaring/USA/usa.html and http://www.aircraftone.com/aircraft/models/schweizer_sgs_1_34_8050146.asp

Ø       1-34 in NZ wave: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ajwatson/Gliding/Gliding-Images/9.jpg

Ø       Soaring Tigers: pic http://www.iaa.com/soar/1-34.jpg  and  http://www.iaa.com/soar/1-34.gif

Ø       Evergreen: http://www.evergreensoaring.org/aircraft_airports/?page=6

Ø       Cyprus Soaring?

Ø       Sierra Soaring Inyokern?

Ø       Cyprus Soaring Hemet?

Ø       High Flights Soaring Club: http://www.highflights.com/




Soaring Links by Paul Remde:

Soaring Society of America: http://www.ssa.org/

Al’s: http://www.silentflight.com/  and www.gliderforum.com

Minden Soaring Club http://www.mindensoaringclub.org/index.html

Minden Airport (see regulations) http://mtairport.co.douglas.nv.us/mta.html

Soaring report, Reno  http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/rev/fcst/srgrev.php?wfo=rev&pil=srg&sid=rev&version=0&pvnum=6

Glider Forum http://www.gliderforum.com

NDOT Aviation (diagrams and directory of Airports) http://www.nevadadot.com/traveler/aviation/

Airport Directory (nice diagrams of NV airports): http://www.airnav.com/airports/

Dr. Jack’s forecast http://www.drjack.net/

Sailplane models: http://ww2.esn.net/kleber/scale125.htm

ICOM IC-A22 instructions http://www.icomamerica.com/support/manuals/ic-a22.pdf

ICOM IC-A22 brochure http://www.icomamerica.com/brochures/ic-a22.pdf

ICOM IC-A22 batteries and charger: http://www.batteriesamerica.com/newpage71.htm

Garmin 76S Manual: http://www.garmin.com/manuals/GPSMAP76S_OwnersManual.pdf

Garmin Mapsource Manual: http://www.garmin.com/manuals/MapSource_MapSourceUsersGuide.pdf

Garmin 76S for Soaring essay: http://n7595.freeservers.com/76s.htm

Yaesu VX 5R operating manual: http://www.yaesu.com/downloadFile.cfm?FileID=1154&FileCatID=151&FileName=VX5R%20Op%20Manual604.pdf&FileContentType=application%2Fpdf

Yaesu VX 5R modfiction: http://www.ham.dmz.ro/yaesu/vx-5r.php

Update this site: http://n7595.freeservers.com/cgi-bin/login?verify=1115146987&redirect=/cgi-bin/util/fm&user=

Diamond Goal story in 1-34: http://www.jimforeman.com/Stories/diamond_goal.htm



Sacramento Sky Ranch

Aircraft Spruce

Aircraft Supply



Chief Aircraft



Todds Canopies

Spektr Products

not found, dead link  http://www.airsuppliers.com/

not found, dead link http://www.aeroperform.com/aircraftparts/aircraft-parts-catalog/--WINDSHIELD-SCHWEIZER-1-34-HIGH-PROFILE-CANOPY--aircraft-parts.asp

not found, dead link http://www.texair.com/aircraftparts/aircraft-parts-catalog/SCHWEIZER-1-34-HIGH-PROFILE-CANOPY-WINDSHIELD-aircraft-parts.asp

not found, dead link http://www.aeroperform.com/aicraft-parts-paint-catalog/SCHWEIZER-buynow.htm


Seat Belts:


not found, dead link  Hooker Harness: http://www.hookerharness.com/default.htm

Keen Soaring: 972 771-2450


My Pictures from Flights:



View Flights in Google Earth:

compressed files: http://n7595.freeservers.com/flights

2004 on has pictures, 2007 on has time caterpillar going along flight



Sectionals for Google Earth:

Blog about sectionals

Add sectionals to Google Earth from blog

Wiki about sectionals in Google Earth

Link from Wiki, should be same file as one from blog but isn’t:



Topo Map for Google Earth:


7.5 min topos for Tahoe, Pine Nuts, Virginia City etc at Slide Yahoo Group for members


Airport information for Google Earth


awp is west coast


Convert IGC to Google Earth

The OLC makes the best Google Earth file, so submit your flights!

http://www.hgs.at/igc4google/ software and web based

http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ options like color by altitude

http://qfu.free.fr/igc2kml.php very basic



(my waypoints are not exactly like others on the net. Airports have 1,000 feet added to arrive at pattern altitude. Some locations have been modified to be more accurate. Names are set up for 10 digits to fit in Garmin 76s. Airport names have frequency hints as the last two digits. Comments for airports have the direction of runways and indicate if it is right pattern.)


Waypoints for Minden in Google Maps

                Can’t see them all at once, spread over three pages


Waypoints in various forms, (See You, Mapsourse, GPX)

            Compressed file with all of them


Musing by me about Soaring:

Story about 500k flight to end badge work

A Day in the Life of a Soaring Pilot

Wasserkuppe Visit


Email owner: xcnick4 remove-this at yahoo


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